I love how she organized my closet, and it works for me!

I hired Tammy to organize my master closet. She explained everything to me. What she was going to do and how the process would work.  

She organized it in a way that worked where I could understand the fashion, how they go together, how to pick out outfits and how to find things in my closet. I am no longer depressed about getting dressed or lost about finding something to wear. 

Tammy gave me a sense of fashion and understanding my closet and gave me a sense of hope. I have great ambition about feeling good in my clothes and I now love my closet. 

Jerry Grundman

Jerry Grundman is a lifelong learner and entrepreneur. His experience in sales leadership, networking, and marketing gives him a unique perspective on how to help people achieve their personal and professional goals.


Tammy is the most organized person I know.


I’m no longer constantly stressed that I can’t find anything!